Are you ready to sweat? Here’s what to expect.
Arrive five minutes early to check in and put your things away. Your coach will lead the group through a 5-min warmup to get your body primed for the workout of the day. Each exercise will be demoed for you before the circuit begins!
You will partner up and complete the circuit of 10 different stations of weights, cardio, balls, TRX, and other equipment for a timed interval. Everyone works to their own level, and the coach is there to give modifications, correct form, and motivate a great workout!
Our strength-driven interval program varies every day. Both in terms of the structure, timing and exercises. This keeps it fresh, and your muscles guessing(and growing!).
While each day is different, some things never change: our fun, energetic trainers will demo the moves, help correct form, offer modifications and push those who need an extra challenge!
Consistency is key for measurable gains. Everyone has their own level of fitness and strength, we all work hard and get healthier each workout. You will quickly see results by showing up consistently and doing your best each time.
Make sure to cool down, stretch and fuel up. Then book your next workout!
workout the way you want to
Emeryville, CA
Rockridge - Oakland, CA